Wine is a Secret to Living Maybe 100+ Years

Life is better with wine and it may add to your years. A centenarian in Maine, Florence Bearse, recently shared that her secret to a long life is drinking wine. For wine lovers everywhere, the good news is that research backs up that possibility. At Rosehill Wine Cellars, we appreciate all of the pleasures and benefits of wine, including the health benefits that it uniquely provides. We specialize in building custom wine cellars, where wine can be stored to age gracefully and last longer than it would otherwise. Wine cooling units from top manufacturers such as Koolspace, Breezaire, Cellar Pro, and Wine Guardian are essential components of a wine cellar.

Health Reasons to Stock up on Wine
There are numerous health benefits to drinking wine. The most notable are those that can literally extend your life. Physicians have weighed in, and they agree that as long as it is done in moderation, wine drinking can be good for a body. The following are among the advantages of wine drinking:

  • Drinking wine moderately reduces the risk of heart attack by 30%, compared to people who don’t drink any alcohol. This is no secret. In fact, it has been proven repeatedly over a period of three decades by researchers across the world.
  • The risk of developing Type 2 diabetes is reduced by 30% to 40% by drinking wine, compared to those who abstain from alcohol.
  • It is an antioxidant that can help fight inflammation, which means circulation to your heart and brain is increased
  • Antioxidants also slow the aging process
  • Lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol
  • Raises “good” HDL cholesterol
  • For people concerned about their weight, wine is a better choice than other alcoholic beverages. It has fewer carbohydrates than beer, and drinking wine means you avoid the sugar calories commonly used for mixing cocktails.
  • If drinking wine helps you to de-stress, it is providing another important health benefit. Stress is associated with many different life-threatening diseases.

A Definition of Moderation

The good things about wine can be lost if not enjoyed in strict moderation. It’s believed among most in the research community that one glass of wine per day is fine for women and two glasses per day for men is a healthy balance. For those who enjoy wine with dinner every evening, a wine cellar makes sense. With climate control by Cellar Pro, Breezaire, Wine Guardian, or Koolspace, your stored wine can be ready when you are.

A note of caution: Excessive drinking increases the risk of suffering from a variety of major diseases, including liver disease, heart disease, and some cancers.

Raise your Glass!

Thanks to Florence in Maine, we can all enjoy the reminder that wine drinking is actually good for you physically. How many truly enjoyable activities that help you unwind after a hard day can you say that about?